Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Take Inventory of Skills

List of skills required for my field of work: technical mastery in various programs such as photoshop, illustrator, after effects, dreamweaver, flash, soundboard, maya, unity, and many other programs, hard work ethic, organization skills, creativity, interpersonal skills, perseverance, charisma, design, time management, composition, to name a few. Of these skills, I believe that I have an intermediate technical mastery of certain programs like photoshop, illustrator, dreamweaver, and flash, organizational skills, creativity, perseverance, design, and composition. Some other skills that I have are good strategic abilities that I may be able to use in dealing with handling my time or resources on a given project, my stamina while doing exhaustive tasks that could help me while I'm spending all night or any significant length of time working on a certain project, and my ability to delegate work to people based on their individual skill set, which could come in handy if I'm in a position of leadership and delegation is an important responsibility of any good leader.

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