Monday, July 19, 2010

Chapter 23: Blue Roses

Tonight for the past few hours as I went about my regular business of watching TV, doing homework, eating dinner, etc., I've been practicing ways to improve my intuition as this chapters states. I spent some time reflecting over the decisions I've made today and thinking about my choices and how I came to those conclusions. I realized that when I make decisions, I tend to read my problem in my head as a written word and my intuition gives me the answers written down in my own handwriting in my imagination. I've spent the night trying to use my intuition to guess who was on the telephone before I answered it, what commercials were coming on, and what my brother was going to say before he said it, to say a few. By combining my intuition with my reason, I was able to accurately predict a bunch of those questions. I was able to predict who was on the phone by thinking who would be calling at that particular time and why they would be calling. I was able to predict (in general) what types of commercials would come on based on my past experiences with watching that particular channel and what time of day it was.

I did not do this exercise in one particular place. I did this exercise all over my house in all sorts of situations and levels of comfort and lighting. I basically spent several hours of my regular night just paying attention to all of my decisions and guesses that I made throughout the night.

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