Monday, July 12, 2010

Chapter 22: Chilling Out

This chapter is all about finding ways to relax and chilling out. The four step exercise told me to find a quiet environment, pick a specific relaxation technique, take on a passive attitude, and find a comfortable position. I chose to do this exercise in my bedroom, in a quiet environment with my air conditioner on high. I lied on my back in my bed and closed my eyes while I tried to attain a level of relaxation. I attempted the "Jell-O Syndrome" technique of relaxation. I completely emptied my mind and focused solely on tensing my muscles and then relaxing them, working from my hands up to my head and down my torso to my feet and then working them backwards to my head then to my hands again.

I really enjoyed this exercise. Rarely do I find the time to just relax my entire body and mind for 15 minutes. It was really great to just empty my thoughts and feelings for a short time. As I described in the previous paragraph, I did this exercise in total quiet in my bedroom lying on my back. The room was dark and I was able to just lie on my bed and do the technique properly.

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