Monday, July 26, 2010

Chapter 24: The Three B's

The problem I chose to solve with this exercise is "I need a story to use in the children's book for my nephew." This morning, I woke up at 9 and spent the rest of the morning reading and researching sources on the internet about coming up with story ideas for children's books. I spend hours just reading and researching and adding knowledge to my brain. I took a nap for about 3 hours to incubate this knowledge. Upon waking up, I immediately wrote down three ideas that I find to be very good ideas for this story.

I really enjoyed this exercise because I found that it gives you a great opportunity to allow your brain to do the work and come up with a solution for you. I did this exercise in my bed as I woke up in the morning, then I came up with my ideas again in my bed.

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