Monday, July 5, 2010

Homework 2

  • What was the first creative moment you remember?
The first creative moment I can remember in my childhood is a comic book that I wrote and illustrated many issues of called The Adventures of Meatball Man. I started doing these when I was about 7 or 8 years old.
  • Did anyone see it?
Yes, I showed these comic books to anyone who would give me the time.
  • What was your best idea?
My best creative idea occurred while I was about 12 years old and my friend and I created a comic book called Galaxy that I was very proud of.
  • What made it great?
I was very proud of this comic book because it was my first completely real looking comic book. We worked very hard on it and it looked really good.
  • What was your dumbest idea?
My dumbest idea was a specific board game that I was trying to create in about 5th or 6th grade. I don't really remember the name or the object of this game.
  • What made it stupid?
It was too ambitious for me, I couldn't possibly create all the aspects together that I thought I could.
  • What is your creative ambition?
My ambition is to create to the best of my abilities something that I can look at and be proud of and not be afraid to show anyone what I'd done.
  • What are your creative obstacles?
My biggest obstacles creatively are mental obstacles. My timidity and my fear of ridicule prevent me from completely opening up and being as creative as i can be.
  • What are the vital steps to achieving this ambition?
Stop being afraid of what other people may or may not think of me and my work and just opening myself up completely.
  • How do you begin your day?
When I wake up, I call my girlfriend to say good morning and begin getting ready by getting a shower, brushing my teeth, getting dressed, and getting breakfast.
  • What are your habits?
Some of my habits include procrastinating way too much and too often. I also tend to be on my computer for long lengths of time even while I'm doing other things like watching TV or eating meals.
  • Do you have patterns?
I'm not sure if I have any patterns. Most of what I do throughout the day is revolved around whatever it is I'm doing that day, like going to class or going to work or whatever.
  • Which artist do you most admire, and why?
I've always admired the work of Giorgio de Chirico. His paintings have a very eerie and dark feel to them. What I love most about his work is the way he is able to instill the feelings that you are alone and something dark and scary is coming around the corner at any moment. It keeps the viewers on their toes.
  • What do you and this artist have in common?
I feel we both have an interest in philosophy and instilling certain thoughts and feelings onto our audiences.
  • Who in your life regularly inspire you? How?
My girlfriend is a really amazing and inspiring artist. Everyday, she does something or says something that I find very inspiring. The days that she creates a new work of art, I spend much of the day admiring it and trying to learn from her work and her techniques.
  • When confronted with superior intelligence/talent, how do you respond?
I try to learn as much as I can from that intelligence/talent.
  • When confronted with stupidity/laziness, how do you respond?
Stupidity and laziness frustrates me even though I often am guilty of these vices.
  • When you work do you love the process or the result?
Most of the time, the process is just as rewarding as the result. There are times that I am either bored by the process or I want it to go faster, but most of the time the process is very relaxing and calming for me.
  • What is your ideal creative activity?
My favorite creative activity is sketching.
  • What is your greatest fear.
My greatest fear is being places in the spot or talking or presenting in public.
  • What is the likelihood of the answers to the two previous questions happening?
I do my creative activity often an my fear happens more often than I'd like.
  • Which of your answers would you most like to change?
My fear. I am always trying to improve the way I handle being in public.
  • What is your idea of mastery?
Just doing the best work that one can possibly do.
  • What is your greatest dream?
My greatest dream is to wake up every day and be able to access my full creative potential on a daily basis.
  • What else defines your "Creative Biology?"
Honestly, I am still trying to discover my creative biology, I hope that before the end of this semester, I'll be able to harness that.

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