Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Spinal Tap - 5 Favorite Creative Works

Here is a list of my 5 favorite creative works:
  1. Mystery and Melancholy of a Street by Giorgio de Chirico. What I love about this painting is the dark and mysterious mood created by the artist. He is able to create such a sense of suspense and terror just by altering the mood of the environment and including a few shadows. I believe he wanted to keep this painting very surreal and minimalistic and yet make the suspense and terror obvious to anyone who looks at the painting. These visuals and environment don't actually exist in the real world, but people viewing this painting probably feel as if this painting spells danger around the next turn.
  2. The Dark Tower series of novels by Stephen King. This series epitomizes storytelling. He is able to take elements from so many different genres and make them meld together in such an odd way that seems completely believable and heartfelt. It is so obvious that this entire story is a labor of love. King wanted to tell a story of such an enormous magnitude but make it still relateable and unique for his audience and that definitely occurs.
  3. The Back to the Future movie trilogy written and directed by Robert Zemeckis. This series of movies is so original and creative, I have never seen a film about time travel that really captures all of the tribulations and consequences as perfectly as this movie. I think the creators of this movie wanted to take time travel so seriously and yet have such a lighthearted mood about it. They wanted to make the story not entirely to be taken seriously and yet still offer such a compelling and heartfelt tale.
  4. Zak McKraken and the Alien Mindbenders classic computer game by LucasArts. I played this game many times during my childhood I love so many things about it. There is no game like this one. It offered an open story that allows the player to travel all around its universe at their leisure before that was a common concept in video games. It also contains some of the wackiest characters, settings, and situations you'll ever see in a video game. I believe the creators wanted to create a compelling game with really crazy scenarios and they succeeded.
  5. The Falling Water house by Frank Lloyd Wright. This is a house that was designed by the great architect Frank Lloyd Wright. It is built in a remote area with a waterfall built on top of it so there is a constant stream of water flowing off the house. I think that Wright wanted to create a structure that could exist as part of the natural scenery as opposed to being something so obviously man-made sticking out like a sore thumb.. and at the same time build a house that is livable and could be a comfortable home, and I think he was really successful in melding those two concepts together.

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