Sunday, July 18, 2010

Chapter 7: Cherry Split

My original problem is: How can I improve my chances of finding a part time job?

Stating that problem into 2 words: Find Job

Now I will separate those words into 2 words then separate those new words into 2 words:

1. Find
A. Locate
a. Explore
b. Read
B. Search
a. Ask
b. Listen
2. Job
A. Work
a. Career
b. Pay
B. Part-time
a. Flexible
b. School

By looking at the words that I came up with, it seems that a good way to go about finding a new part-time job is to read things (such as newspapers, websites, bulletin boards...) and asking around and listening to what's available.

I did this thinkertoy assignment in my dining room as I waited for dinner to start. I sat in a padded, wooden dining room chair. My light sources consisted of natural sunlight coming in through the window and three incandescent bulbs on the ceiling above me.

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