Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Pros and Cons

The pros and cons of the following subjects:

-Obeying the Rules:
- proven successful methods
- not getting in trouble
- staying in a favorable position
- not losing support
- they keep you safe
- you do things similar to everyone else
- without taking chances, you can't experience new things
- with great risk comes great reward
- maybe the rules are not appropriate
- the rules may be holding back your potential
-Being Different:
- you stand out in a crowd
- people will notice and remember you
- your successes will be seen by many
- you can be as creative as you want to be
- you're not tied down to a certain formula
- your failures will also be seen by many
- potential for embarrassment
- without precedents, you won't know how something will work out
- everything is a trial and error process
- you may alienate yourself

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