Monday, July 12, 2010

Homework 3

There is a really old historic stone tunnel about a half mile from my house that I chose to describe in this homework.
  1. Dark gray
  2. 20 feet high
  3. Made of large gray stones
  4. Traffic roof is about 12 feet high
  5. Built into a hill
  6. Cars drive through it
  7. Floor is paved road
  8. About 10 feet wide
  9. Small trucks can fit through it
  10. It is historical
  11. Drivers are required to beep their horns before driving through so there is a steady sound of beeps.
  12. There are train tracks on top of it
  13. It carries freight trains
  14. It's very strong and sturdy
  15. It is very old
  16. It has a sidewalk along one side of the road inside the bridge
  17. The stones are smooth to the touch
  18. The stones are dull
  19. Sounds echo inside
  20. The tracks on top are surrounded by small gray stones
A haiku based upon these observations:

Old gray-stoned tunnel.
Trains above and cars beneath.
Beeps sound eternal.

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