Monday, July 19, 2010

Homework 4

Define My Problem:

I would like to create a children’s book (write and illustrate) for my 3-year-old nephew, Jacob.

Restructure My Problem:

Five Whys:

Problem: Creating a children’s book from start to finish.

1. Why? To create something for my nephew to cherish.

2. Why? Creating a book is more personal than other gifts.

3. Why? Because the time and effort can be seen in the work.

4. Why? I would be putting a little bit of myself in my work.

5. Why? I want to make my nephew something that he will always enjoy.

Who, What, When Why, Where, How:

· Who: Myself and my nephew.

· What: A book and an imagination.

· When: By Christmas.

· Why: To make something that he can cherish.

· Where: Anywhere inspiration strikes.

· How: My nephew does not have anything very personal from me that he can cherish, so by creating this for him I will give him that item.

Rephrasing the Problem:

· Creating a children’s book from start to finish.

· Creating a book for children from start to finish.

· Starting to create a book for children.

· Finish creating a children’s book.

· Finishing a start to create a children’s book.

· Booking a finish to start a book for children.

Word Chain:

· Children’s book

· Illustration

· Drawing

· Sketching

· Art

· Creative

· Imagination

· Whimsy

· Enchantment

· Magic

· Wizardry

· Spells

· Casting

· Witch

· Ugly

· Unattractive

· Unappealing

· Appealing

· Cute

· Happy

· Wonderful

Making a positive action statement:

· The action: Create a children’s book

· The object: The existence of a children’s book for my nephew

· The qualifier: A physical change

· The End Result: Creating a quality book for my nephew to cherish

Switching Perspective:

· My Point of View – I want to create a children’s book.

· My Nephew’s Point of View – I want my uncle to give me a children’s book that is personal that I can cherish.

· My Brother’s Point of View – My son will have a book that he can keep forever as a reminder of his uncle.


· Why is it necessary?

o It is necessary to make something personal and from the heart for my nephew.

· What is unknown?

o The theme and subject story that I’d like to write.

· What do you not understand about it?

o I don’t yet understand the nuances of writing a children’s story and I do not know how to bind a book.

· What info do you have?

o I know that I want my book to contain a frog protagonist and that I am going to write and illustrate it as well as put it together.

· Have you seen the problem before?

o I’ve had similar creative problems in the past when I needed to come up with ideas for various art and animation projects.

· What are the best/worst scenarios?

o The best-case scenario is that my nephew gets a quality story that he will love and cherish. The worst-case scenario is that he won’t like the story and it will end up collecting dust.

· What would the problem taste like?

o The problem would taste like cotton candy because it is a light and fluffy.

· What color would the problem be?

o This problem will be many colors like a circus because I want this project to incorporate many visual wonders.

· How would the problem sound?

o This problem would also sound like a circus because it will be joyous and happy.

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