Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Random Novelties

20 Random Items:
  1. Moon-
  2. Water-
  3. Pin Cushion-
  4. Sun-
  5. GPS Device-
  6. Boat-
  7. Camera-
  8. Duck-
  9. Refrigerator-
  10. Police Car-
  11. Flower-
  12. Bowl-
  13. Train-
  14. Book-
  15. Cupcakes-
  16. Canoe-
  17. Bench-
  18. Wind Turbine-
  19. Bus-
  20. Couch-
10 Novel Combinations based on those objects:
  1. Train+Boat = A new passenger boat service that works on tracks in a canal.
  2. Moon+Couch = A couch in the shape of a crescent moon.
  3. Book+Water = A sleeve in which to slide your book to make it waterproof for reading while relaxing in the pool.
  4. Pin Cushion+Duck = A novelty pin cushion in the shape of a duck that quacks when you poke it.
  5. Sun+Police Car = Hybrid police cars that charge their batteries when plugged into a solar powered charger while at the station.
  6. GPS Device+Bus = An app that can tell the user exactly where the bus they're waiting for is located on a live traffic map.
  7. Camera+Flower = A high-res camera built in the shape of a flower to automatically take nature photographs without ruining the scenery with ugly machine-like cameras.
  8. Canoe+Wind Turbine = Instead of a boat with a sail, this canoe will have a wind turbine that gives power to the motor for when the passengers don't want to row.
  9. Refrigerator+Bowl = A battery powered bowl that keeps it's contents cool no matter where it is.
  10. Cupcakes+Bench = Little cakes baked in the shape of benches on which to rest other desserts like cupcakes.

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