Sunday, August 1, 2010

Chapter 25: Rattlesnakes & Roses

My challenge for this exercise is this: I want to come up with a cool concept around which to create a video game. The key word I choose from that challenge is "concept". Now I must choose a parallel field, I choose alien abductions. Images that I associate with alien abductions: flying saucer, crazy, conspiracy, Roswell NM, white house, UFO, little green men, men in black, secret service, meteor, weather balloon. After pondering these connections with regard to my original challenge, I have developed an idea for a video game. This will be a video game starring a spy who works to uncover a deep conspiracy within the American government covering up the existence of aliens and their abductions of people.

This was a good exercise because it allowed me to free associate and work my brain. Based on the findings used in my midterm paper, I decided to do this exercise in my living room with a lot of distractions during the afternoon. I spoke to my family and watched television while I did this exercise and I believe that helped empty my mind to solve this challenge.

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