Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Force Brain Bank Combos

Finding connections between my brain bank from 8/11 and from 8/16. My brain bank from 8/11 is a photograph of a dying flower that is wilting into an image of a skull and my brain bank from 8/16 is a photograph of a German castle. My combination is this. A thousand year old castle from medieval Germany surrounded by dying flowers. Inside this terrible castle resides a family of ghosts who wilt the flowers into skulls to terrify any possible trespassers.
Finding connections between my brain bank from 8/8 and 8/14. My brain bank from 8/8 is a photograph of glowing blue jelly fish and my brain bank from 8/14 is a photograph that highlights silhouettes. My combination is this. A new breed of jelly fish that do not glow in the depth of the oceans, they actually swallow light so they seem to glow darkness.. no one has ever seen these fish because they are just glowing in their own darkness.
Combining these two combinations. Inside the terrifying medieval German castle surrounded by wilting skull flowers reside ghosts that swallow light. No one can see them because light never escapes their existence and they glow darkness.

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