Monday, August 16, 2010

Homework - Chapter 38: Murder Board

I verbalized by challenge to my girlfriend Alyssa because she has a creative background and usually gives good feedback and offered her feedback questions. My challenge is creating a children's book for my nephew.
Here are her responses:

Does the idea meet a real need?
No, this doesn't have a need in the real world sense. It does however serve Matt's need to create something memorable for his nephew.

Should a need be created through promotional and advertising efforts?
No, this isn't really all that necessary unless he wants to market and sell the book.

Who will resist?
I don't think that anyone will resist. Hopefully the one person who matters, his nephew, doesn't resist but I don't think he will.

Does it sound like a good idea to you?
Yes! It sounds like a great idea! This will create a great memory and bond between Matt and his nephew.

Are there real benefits?
Yes, the benefits of the memories he will create and possibly if he sells the idea, this could have monetary benefits.

Do you feel it is new and original?
Actually no. The idea of creating a chilren's story isn't original, it's been done many many times, but Matt can still make it as original as possible.

Is it worth producing or implementing?
Yes. Matt is going to ultimately lose money on his plan, but that is not why he is doing it, he is doing it to create something special for his nephew.

Will it provide enough benefit to outweigh the cost?
Yes, it will provide much sentimental value at the expense of monetary value.

How should it be financed?
I believe it is going to be completely financed out of Matt's pocket.

Is the idea sound?
Yes and no. Matt is capable of coming up with a compelling and original story for children, but his plan has him continuing to create the book and print it and make it completely from scratch and that is going to take a lot of work and expertise.

What is the best thing that could happen?
The best thing that could happen is the book is completed and looks professional and has no fundamental flaws and it is a smash with his nephew.

What is the worst thing that could happen?
Well, either his nephew could hate it or want nothing to do with it, or he loves the book and it falls apart because it wasn't put together properly.

What are the faults and limitations?
As I already said, I'm questioning Matt's abilities to create a professional and sound children's book that has low chances of falling apart or breaking easily.

Do you think I have the resources?
Almost, Matt is almost able to completely create a children's book but he needs to read up on how to put it all together.

Is it possible to make it happen?
Definitely. If he works hard and researches all of the possibilities and angles, it will happen.

That is the end of my feedback survey. This is all great feedback that my girlfriend gave back to me. I am going to hold onto this feedback and look at it periodically for the next few weeks but I feel that it helped me learn that I really need to start researching the construction aspect of my children's book as opposed to the story aspect.

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