Monday, August 2, 2010

Chapter 16: Future Fruit

For this exercise, the problem is "How can I make a better hockey stick?" A decision that has to be made is one of what materials would be best. The forces that have an impact on materials are economy, chemistry, physics, cost, and market forces. Here are some different, plausible scenarios based on those forces: The current methods of making hockey sticks remains the same; A new alloy of materials is discovered that would revolutionize hockey stick technology; The market for hockey equipment bottoms out and people revert to cheap, wooden sticks; and a new, revolutionizing method for creating hockey sticks. A possible outcome based on these scenarios is that people begin to revert to cheaper, wooden sticks but there is a new breakthrough in compositing wood with other cheap materials that allow sticks to be cheaper and yet still have the advantage of the properties of other materials than wood. We should research a way to composite wood with other materials to keep costs down and performance high.

This was an interesting exercise, but I didn't really enjoy doing this exercise. I did this one in my room by myself. I kept my radio on to add a distraction to help me focus, but all in all, I didn't really feel inspired by this exercise.

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