Tuesday, August 3, 2010

60 Uses for a Wooden Stool

  1. Sit on it
  2. Stand on it
  3. Use it as a table
  4. Fight off robbers
  5. Kindling
  6. Use it as a night stand
  7. Break the legs off and use as a bat
  8. Break the top off and use it as a plate
  9. Use it as a TV stand
  10. Hold open a door
  11. Use it to fight off lions
  12. Use it to block a doggy door
  13. Paint it
  14. Break it apart and build a sculpture
  15. Cut a hole in it and use it to hold up an umbrella/flag pole
  16. See who can throw it the farthest
  17. Turn it upside down and trap an animal within its legs
  18. Put it over a slippery floor to warn people
  19. Put a sign on it
  20. If you're trapped on an island with a bunch of stools, use them to spell HELP
  21. Use it to break a window
  22. Use it to hold down a gas pedal
  23. Hold a door closed with it
  24. Place it in front of a door you don't want people to go into
  25. Place it next to the bed to help an old pet climb into the bed
  26. Hold a window open with it
  27. Burn it to roast marshmallows

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