Sunday, August 22, 2010

Chapter 27: True And False

Problem: My hockey team does rather mediocre in the standings each season, we need to improve our chances of winning a championship.
Paradox: Despite trying several different strategies to improve our team, we seem to do best when we play without a specific strategy.
Essence: Turing this into a book title: The NonStrategic Strategy.
Analogy: A great analogy is the concept of beginner's luck and that sometimes people tend to pull off difficult maneuvers once, then cannot do it after practicing.
Unique Feature: The unique feature is beginner's luck.
Equivalent: Athletes who show a lot of promise at a young age and don't fulfill those hopes.
New Idea: We will not create a new strategy out of nowhere we will film the way we play without a strategy and refine that into a strategy that will work with our team.

I did this thinkertoy while sitting on my front porch earlier today. The sky was gray and it was very rainy. I live on a busy highway so there is constant flow of 4 lanes of traffic going at any given time. The sound of the traffic was really soothing to me and helped keep my mind focused on the task at hand.

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