Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Combining Ideas

animal quest
amphibian reward
hop problem
tongue story
swamp danger
lily pad battle
slime competition
croak journey
green victory
small sojourn

5 Combinations:
  1. amphibian+competition: Treat the story as a competition between different amphibians or types of amphibians to reach a certain goal or reward.
  2. swamp+battle: Have the story culminate to a final battle taking place in a swamp, that is a unique setting and a place that can have lots of potential.
  3. green+problem: Taking the other use of the word green (eco-friendly), maybe the problem of the story can stem from an environmental issue that is effecting the frog's ecosystem.
  4. lilypad+danger: Lily pads offer a lot of room for story ideas because they are a favorite spot for frogs and they can offer a lot of dangerous possibilities, maybe a subplot of the story can involve dangerous lilypads.
  5. animal+quest: The quest can involve more than one animal in addition to the frog and it can be a collaboration between several animals who fight for a single goal.

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