Tuesday, June 22, 2010

My Ultimate Desk

My ultimate desk would be made of a durable solid black composite material. the surface area would be very large as I tend to use multiple books, sheets of paper, media, materials, etc. There should also be a very high amount of storage capability included because if I cannot be completely organized, I tend to be completely messy and unorganized; there is no middle ground for me. My desk would also come completely equipped with a dual monitor computer system as I tend to get very cluttered on my computer space just as I do on my physical desk space. A relatively quiet environment with access to a radio and/or my iTunes library is a must as I tend to work to music, however access to a television would also be necessary because I like to work while I watch TV from time to time. It is important to also include strong lighting and be adjacent to a window so I can work by sunlight during the day and still have strong lighting during the night; there is no specific time of day that I set aside to work, although I generally get most of my work done at night.

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